Thursday, October 6, 2011

Saying Goodbye to Sancerre

It is here – my last day in Sancerre.  Tomorrow morning i check out of my apartment by 9:30am and take an 11:00am train to Paris.  When I arrived it seemed that I would be here so long.  I wondered how I would adjust to small city life.  Now my six weeks are up and it seems that I am leaving way too soon.  I am trying not to be sad, but everything I look at seems to remind me that this phase of my life is nearly over.  When I open my once overfull refrigerator, the bare shelves remind me this won’t be home much longer.  As I think about going to get bread, I am reminded that it will be the last time I see Audrey.  As I review the things I must do today, I am reminded I need a picture of Roman, the cheerful and friendly waiter at the outdoor café, who quickly learned that I needed a CocaCola light and when I missed a day or two, would stop when I walked by to see when I’d be stopping by.  Yesterday, when I went to the butchers for the last time, I couldn’t tell Robert that it was my last day.  This morning we’ll have our class picture taken at the school and I have my last class this afternoon.  Saying  goodbye to the professors, who have patiently taught me, not once saying I told you that yesterday, and always encouraged me, will be difficult.  One of my new Australian friends calls this “breakup day.”  It sure feels like I’m leaving a part of me behind.  I had no idea that a place could get into your heart in six weeks. 
Next time I blog it will be from Paris.  Don’t worry I still have lots more tales of Sancerre to share so the blogs will be continuing for awhile.

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