Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm in Paris

After all my busy preparations, it was a bit relaxing to get to the airport and wait for my flight. Then I started questioning what I'd forgetten to do or bring. So far nothing comes to mind.

I was reading a book "French Toast" An American's perspective of the French after 20 years of being married to one and feeling pretty good about my French when I could generally figure out the French phrases before reading her translation. That lasted until the flight attendant started making her announcements in French. Basically, I could only understand very basic words. Will I be able to understnd them when I am returning???? I guess that will be the test of my program.

I decided to go for a walk and look for breakast since my room wasn't ready when I arrived. The hotel is not in a touristy area and not alot was open around it. I stumbled on a fish, meat and produce market that looked great. I sound a coffee shop/bar and had a wonderful Omelet Parmentier. I'm not sure about the name since "parmentier" is not the French word for potato.
As promised when I got back to room a little before 11:00am, the room was ready. Only trouble was the elevator wasn't working. When I interpreted what she was saying as the elevator was broken, I was quickly corrected -- "not broken, just some needed work." And my room was on the 4th floor. Good thing I have been working out -- although I still didn't try to bring up my 49.6# suitcase. That will have to wait for the elevator to be fixed, oops "work completed."

My room is extremely tiny, but it has a real double bed. The remote for the TV didn't work but if you are reading this the wi fi did. 

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